MTK META Utility V40 Auth Bypass Tool
MTK META Utility V40 :
* Fixed Samsung Download Mode to brom crash and added more models :
such as A22 5G, A13 5G, A41 . (TESTED).
* added ability to select local PGPT file to perform the crash operation safely.
You need to select pgpt.bin file to crash brom and exit brom as well.
How to create pgpt.bin :
- USE Samsung firmware extract button to make scatter from (tar firmware you need to select tar folder and should contain CSC_ package)
then :
- USE Scatter to PGPT option and select scatter from the created FW which you got from .tar file.
* V39 is working only with (A12) this version works with ALL, so please ignore the previous version and use this one.
& The software is provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement, USE it at your own risk.
Credits: Mofadal Altyeb